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Seach our container shipping port finder.  The country list is not complete but has many countries. If your country is not on the list, you can contact our freight forwarder, who will advise you.


St. Johns Port, Antigua and Barbuda - UN/LOCODE: AGSJS

Bahia Blanca Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARBHI
Buenos Aires Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARBUE
Mar del Plata Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARMDQ
Puerto Deseado Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARPUD
Puerto Madryn Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARPMY
Ushuaia Port, Argentina - UN/LOCODE: ARUSH

Oranjestad Port, Aruba  - UN/LOCODE: AWORJ

Adelaide Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUADL
Brisbane Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUBNE
Darwin Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUDRW
Fremantle Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUFRE
Melbourne Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUMEL
Sydney Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUSYD
Townsville Port, Australia - UN/LOCODE: AUTSV

Enns Port, Austria - UN/LOCODE: ATENA
Linz Port, Austria - UN/LOCODE: ATLNZ
Salzburg Port, Austria - UN/LOCODE: ATSZG
Vienna Port, Austria - UN/LOCODE: ATVIE
Wels Port, Austria - UN/LOCODE: ATWEL

Freeport Port, Bahamas - UN/LOCODE: BSFPO
Nassau Port, Bahamas - UN/LOCODE: BSNAS

  Bridgetown Port, Barbados - UN/LOCODE: BBBGI

Antwerpen Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BEANR
Brussels Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BEBRU
Genk Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BEGNK
Ghent Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BEGNE
Liege Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BELGG
Zeebrugge Port, Belgium - UN/LOCODE: BEZEE

  Hamilton Port, Bermuda - UN/LOCODE: BMBDA

Itajai Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRITJ
Itaqui Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRITQ
Manaus Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRMAO
Natal Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRNAT
Paranagua Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRPNG
Pecem Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRSUA
Porto Alegre Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRPOA
Rio De Janeiro Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRRIO
Rio Grande Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRRIG
Santos Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRSSZ
Sao Francisco Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRSFS
Suape Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRSUA
Vila do Conde Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRVLC
Vitoria Port, Brazil - UN/LOCODE: BRVIX

Tortola Port, British Virgin Islands - UN/LOCODE: VGTOV
Virgin Gorda Port, British Virgin Islands - UN/LOCODE: VGVIJ

Burgas Port, Bulgaria - UN/LOCODE: BGBOJ
Sofia Port, Bulgaria - UN/LOCODE: BGSOF
Varna Port, Bulgaria - UN/LOCODE: BGVAR

Halifax Port, Canada - UN/LOCODE: CAHAL
Montreal Port, Canada - UN/LOCODE: CAMTR
Toronto Port, Canada - UN/LOCOD: CATOR
Vancouver Port, Canada - UN/LOCODE: CAVAN

Georgetown Port, Cayman Islands - UN/LOCODE: KYGEC  

Caldera Port, Costa Rica - UN/LOCODE: CRCAL
Puerto Moin Port, Costa Rica - UN/LOCODE: CRMOB

Dubrovnik Port, Croatia - UN/LOCODE: HRDBV
Ploce Port, Croatia - UN/LOCODE: HRPLE
Rijeka Bakar Port, Croatia - UN/LOCODE: HRRJK
Split Port, Croatia - UN/LOCODE: HRSPU

Havana Port, Cuba - UN/LOCODE: CUHAV
Mariel Port, Cuba - UN/LOCODE: CUMAR
Santiago Port, Cuba - UN/LOCODE: CUSCU

   Limassol Port, Cuba - UN/LOCODE: CYLMS

Aalborg Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKAAL
Aarhus Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKAAR
Copenhagen Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKCPH
Esbjerg Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKEBJ
Fredericia Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKFRC
Kalundborg Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKKAL
Kolding Port, Denmark - UN/LOCODE: DKKOL

Caucedo Port, Dominican Republic - UN/LOCODE: DOCAU
Rio Haina Port, Dominican Republic - UN/LOCODE: DOHAI
Santo Domingo Port, Dominican Republic - UN/LOCODE: DOSDQ

Lautoka Port, Fiji - UN/LOCODE: FJLTK
Suva Port, Fiji - UN/LOCODE: FJSUV

Bordeaux Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRBOD
Brest Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRBES
Calais Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRCQF
Deauville Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRDOL
Dunkerque Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRDKK
Fos Sur Mer Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRFOS
Gennevilliers Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRGVL
La Rochelle-Pallice Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRLRH
Le Havre Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRLEH
Lyon Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRLIO
Marseille Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRMRS
Montoir De Bretagne Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRMTX
Rouen Port, France - UN/LOCODE: FRURO

    Papeete Port, French Polynesia - UN/LOCODE: PFPPT

Bremen Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEBRE
Bremerhaven Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEBRV
Duisburg Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEDUI
Frankfurt Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEFRA
Hamburg Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEHAM
Kiel Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEKEL
Lubeck Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DELBC
Mannheim Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEMHG
Wilhelmshaven Port, Germany - UN/LOCODE: DEWVN

Piraeus Port, Greece - UN/LOCODE: GRPIR
Thessaloniki Port,  Greece - UN/LOCODE: GRSKG

Cork Port, Ireland - UN/LOCODE: IEORK
Dublin Port, Ireland - UN/LOCODE: IEDUB

Ashdod Port, Israel - UN/LOCODE: ILASH
Haifa Port, Israel - UN/LOCODE: ILHFA

Ancona Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITAOI
Bari Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITBRI
Cagliari Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITCAG
Catania Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITCTA
Civitavecchia Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITCVV
Genova Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITGOA
Gioia Tauro Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITPMO
Livorno Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITLIV
Napoli Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITNAP
Palermo Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITPMO
Ravenna Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITRAN
Salerno Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITSA
Taranto Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITTAR
Trieste Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITTRS
Vado Ligure Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITVDL
Venice Port, Italy - UN/LOCODE: ITVCE

Kingston Port, Jamaica - UN/LOCODE: JMKIN
Montego Bay Port, Jamaica - UN/LOCODE: JMMBJ
Port Antonio, Jamaica - UN/LOCODE: JMPOT

Akita Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPAXT
Hachinohe Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPHHE
Hosojima Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPHSM
Imari Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPIMI
Ishikari Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPISI
Kanazawa Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPKNZ
Kawasaki Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPKWS
Kobe Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPUKB
Kochi Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPKCZ
Kushiro Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPKUH
Maizuru Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPMAI
Muroran Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPMUR
Nagasaki Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPNGS
Naoetsu Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPNAO
Niigata Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPKIJ
Oita Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPOIT
Omaezaki Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPOMZ
Onahama Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPONA
Sakaiminato Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPSMN
Sakata Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPSKT
Shibushi Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPSBS
Shimonoseki Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPSHS
Tokyo Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPTYO
Tomakomai Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPTMK
Yokkaichi Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPYKK
Yokohama Port, Japan - UN/LOCODE: JPYOK

Beirut Port, Lebanon - UN/LOCODE: LBBEY
Tripoli Port, Lebanon - UN/LOCODE: LBKYE

Bintulu, Sarawak Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYBTU
Johore Bahru Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYJOB
Kota Kinabalu Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYBKI
Kuching Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYKCH
Miri, Sarawak Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYMYY
Pasir Gudang Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYPGU
Penang Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYPEN
Port Kelang, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYPKG
Sandakan, Sabah Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYSDK
Sibu, Sarawak Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYSBW
Tawau Port, Malaysia - UN/LOCODE: MYTWU

  Male Port, Maldives - UN/LOCODE: MVMLE

Malta Port, Malta - UN/LOCODE: MTMLA
Marsaxlokk Port, Malta - UN/LOCODE: MTMAR
Valletta Port, Malta - UN/LOCODE: MTVAL

Fort De France Port, Martinique - UN/LOCODE: MQFDF  

Port Louis, Mauritius - UN/LOCODE: MUPLU  

Altamira Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXATM
Ciudad del Carmen Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXCME
Ensenada Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXESE
Guaymas Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXGYM
La Paz Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXLAP
Lazaro Cardenas Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXLZC
Manzanillo Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXZLO
Monterrey Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXMTY
Veracruz Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXVER
Yukalpeten Port, Mexico - UN/LOCODE: MXYUK

Agadir Port, Morocco - UN/LOCODE: MAAGA
Casablanca Port, Morocco - UN/LOCODE: MACAS
Tangier Port, Morocco - UN/LOCODE: MATNG

Amsterdam Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLAMS
Den Helder Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLDHR
Harlingen Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLHAR
Moerdijk Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLMOE
Rotterdam Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLRTM
Scheveningen Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLSCE
Vlissingen Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLVLI
Willemstad Port, Netherlands - UN/LOCODE: NLWIL

Auckland Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZAKL
Bluff Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZBLU
Christchurch Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZCHC
Lyttelton Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZLYT
Napier Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZNPE
Nelson Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZNSN
Port Chalmers, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZPOE
Tauranga Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZTRG
Timaru Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZTIU
Wellington Port, New Zealand - UN/LOCODE: NZWLG

Muscat Port, Oman - UN/LOCODE: OMMCT
Salalah Port, Oman - UN/LOCODE: OMSLL
Sohar Port, Oman - UN/LOCODE: OMSOH

Balboa Port, Panama - UN/LOCODE: PABLB
Cristobal Port, Panama - UN/LOCODE: PACTB

Gdansk Port, Poland - UN/LOCODE: PLGDN
Gdynia Port, Poland - UN/LOCODE: PLGDY
Szczecin Port, Poland - UN/LOCODE: PLSZZ
Warszawa Port, Poland - UN/LOCODE: PLWAS

Aveiro Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTAVE
Leixoes Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTLEI
Lisboa Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTLIS
Porto Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTOPO
Setubal Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTSET
Sines Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTSIE
Viana do Castelo Port, Portugal - UN/LOCODE: PTVDC

  San Juan Port, Puerto Rico - UN/LOCODE: PRSJU

Doha Port, Qatar - UN/LOCODE: QADOH
Hamad Port, Qatar - UN/LOCODE: QAHMD

  Pointe des Galets Port, Reunion Island - UN/LOCODE: REPDG

Magadan Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RUMAG
Novorossiysk Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RUNVS
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RUPKC
Saint Petersburg Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RULED
Ust-Luga Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RUULU
Vladivostok Port, Russia - UN/LOCODE: RUVVO

Port Castries, Saint Lucia - UN/LOCODE: LCPCS
Vieux Fort Port, Saint Lucia - UN/LOCODE: LCVIF

Dammam Port, Saudi Arabia - UN/LOCODE: SADMM
Jeddah Port, Saudi Arabia - UN/LOCODE: SAJED
Jubail Port, Saudi Arabia - UN/LOCODE: SAJUB
King Abdullah Port, Saudi Arabia - UN/LOCODE: SAKAC

  Port Victoria, Seychelles - UN/LOCODE: SCPOV

Singapore Port, Singapore - UN/LOCODE: SGSIN  

Cape Town Port, South Africa - UN/LOCODE: ZACPT
Durban Port, South Africa - UN/LOCODE: ZADUR
Port Elizabeth, South Africa - UN/LOCODE: ZAPLZ

Gwangyang Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRKAN
Incheon Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRICH
Kwangyang Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRKWA
Pusan Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRPUS
Seoul Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRSSN
Ulsan Port, South Korea - UN/LOCODE: KRUSN

Algeciras Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESALG
Alicante Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESALC
Barcelona Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESBCN
Bilbao Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESBIO
Cadiz Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESCAD
Cartagena Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESCAR
Castellon De La Plana Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESCAS
Ferrol Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESFRO
Gijon Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESGIJ
Malaga Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESAGP
Marin Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESMPG
Sagunto Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESSAG
Santander Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESSDR
Tarragona Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESTAR
Valencia Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESVLC
Vigo Port, Spain - UN/LOCODE: ESVGO

Colombo Port, Sri Lanka - UN/LOCODE: LKCMB  

Ahus Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEAHU
Gavle Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEGVX
Gotthenburg Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEGOT
Halmstad Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEHAD
Helsingborg Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEHEL
Malmo Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEMMA
Norrkoping Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SENRK
Pitea Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEPIT
Stockholm Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SESTO
Uddevalla Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEUDD
Umea Port, Sweden - UN/LOCODE: SEUME

Basel Port, Switzerland - UN/LOCODE: CHBSL
Muttenz Port, Switzerland - UN/LOCODE: CHMUT
Zurich Port, Switzerland - UN/LOCODE: CHZRH

Bangkok Port, Thailand - UN/LOCODE: THBKK
Laem Chabang Port, Thailand - UN/LOCODE: THLCH
Songkhla Port, Thailand - UN/LOCODE: THSGZ

Point Lisas Port, Trinidad and Tobago - UN/LOCODE: TTPTS
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago - UN/LOCODE: TTPOS

Aliaga Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRALI
Antalya Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRAYT
Gemlik Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRGEM
Iskenderun Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRISK
Istanbul Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRIST
Izmir Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRIZM
Mersin Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRMER
Samsun Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRSSX
Tekirdag Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRTEK
Trabzon Port, Turkey - UN/LOCODE: TRTZX

Providenciales Port, Turks Caicos - UN/LOCODE: TCPLS  

Abu Dhabi Port, UAE - UN/LOCODE: AEAUH
Jebel Ali Port, UAE - UN/LOCODE: AEJEA
Khor Al Fakkan Port, UAE - UN/LOCODE: AEKLF
Ras Al Khaimah Port, UAE - UN/LOCODE: AERKT
Sharjah Port, UAE - UN/LOCODE: AESHJ

Aberdeen Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBABD
Belfast Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBBEL
Felixstowe Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBFXT
Grangemouth Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBGRG
Greenock Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBGRK
Hull Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBHUL
Immingham Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBIMM
Liverpool Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBLIV
London Gateway Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBLGP
London Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBLON
South Shields Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBSSH
Southampton Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBSOU
Teesport Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBTEE
Tilbury Port, United Kingdom - UN/LOCODE: GBTIL

Baltimore Port (Maryland), USA - UN/LOCODE: USBAL
Boston Port (Massachusetts), USA - UN/LOCODE: USBOS
Freeport Port (Texas), USA - UN/LOCODE: USFPO
Georgetown Port (South Carolina), USA - UN/LOCODE: USGGN
Gulfport Port (Mississippi), USA - UN/LOCODE: USGPT
Honolulu Port (Hawaii), USA - UN/LOCODE: USHNL
Houston Port (Texas), USA - UN/LOCODE: USHOU
Jacksonville Port (Florida), USA - UN/LOCODE: USJAX
Long Beach Port (California), USA - UN/LOCODE: USLGB
Los Angeles Port (California), USA - UN/LOCODE: USLAX
Miami Port (Florida), USA - UN/LOCODE: USMIA
Mobile Port (Alabama), USA - UN/LOCODE: USMOB
New Orleans Port (Louisiana), USA - UN/LOCODE: USMSY
New York Port (New York), USA - UN/LOCODE: USNYC
Newark Port (New Jersey), USA - UN/LOCODE: USEWR
Norfolk Port (Virginia), USA - UN/LOCODE: USORF
Oakland Port (California), USA - UN/LOCODE: USOAK
Philadelphia Port (Pennsylvania), USA - UN/LOCODE: USPHL
Portland Port (Maine), USA - UN/LOCODE: USPWM
Portland Port (Oregon), USA - UN/LOCODE: USPWM
San Diego Port (California), USA - UN/LOCODE: USSAN
San Francisco Port (California), USA - UN/LOCODE: USSFO
Savannah Port (Georgia), USA - UN/LOCODE: USSAV
Seattle Port (Washington), USA - UN/LOCODE: USSEA
Tacoma Port (Washington), USA - UN/LOCODE: USTIW
Tampa Port (Florida), USA - UN/LOCODE: USTPA
Wilmington Port (Delaware), USA - UN/LOCODE: USILG
Wilmington Port (North Carolina), USA - UN/LOCODE: USILM

Charlotte Amalie Port, Virgin Islands - UN/LOCODE: VICHA